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Dengan pengobatan alternatif cara alami,anda bisa terhindar dari bahan-bahan berbahaya


Tumbuh liar di lapangan rumput, pematang, kadang-kadang ditemukan dalam jumlah banyak, terdapat di dataran rendah sampai dengan 1.200 m di atas permukaan laut. Terna tahunan, tegak, berambut, dengan akar yang besar, tinggi 10 cm – 80 cm, batang kaku berambut panjang dan rapat, bercabang dan beralur. Daun tunggal berkumpul di bawah membentuk roset, berbulu, bentuk daun jorong, bundar telur memanjang, tepi melekuk dan bergerigi tumpul. Panjang daun 10 cm – 18 cm, lebar 3 cm – 5 cm. Daun pada percabangan jarang dan kecil, dengan panjang 3 cm – 9 cm, lebar 1 cm – 3 cm. Bunga bentuk bonggol, banyak, warna ungu. Buah berupa buah longkah. Masih satu marga tetapi dari jenis lain, yaitu Elephantopus tomentosa L., mempunyai bunga wama putih, bentuk daun bulat telur agak licin, mempunyai efek therapy yang sama, tapi khasiat penurun panas dan anti radang kurang poten. Lebih sering digunakan pada rheumatic dan anti kanker.
manfaat tapak liman dapat sembuhkan 1. Influenza, demam, peradangan amandel, radang tenggorok, radang
2. Dysentery, diare, gigitan ular.
3. Epidemic encephalitis B., batuk seratus hari (Pertusis).
4. Sakit kuning, memperbaiki fungsi hati, busung air (ascites).
5. Radang ginjal yang akut dan kronik.
6. Bisul, eksema.
7. Kurang darah (anemia), radang rahim, keputihan.
8. Mempermudah proses kelahiran, pengobatan sesudah bersalin.
9. Pelembut kaki, peluruh dahak, peluruh haid, pembersih darah,
pengelat. PEMAKAIAN: 15-30 gram rebus.

1. Hepatitis:
120-180 gram akar segar + daging, rebus, minum, selama 4-5 hari
2. Biri-biri :
30-60 gram seluruh tanaman, 60-120 gram tahu, air secukupnya
ditim, makan.
3. Perut kembung: 60 gram batang direbus, dibagi 2 kali minum.

Diposkan pada Health Teraphy

Klinik JIO-HERBAL & CHCLcapsulTheraphy

Klinik JIO-HERBAL adalah sebuah klinik penyembuhan alami tanpa memakai bahan kimia, adapun sistem penyembuhan kami yaitu : Theraphy dari luar dengan mengalirkan energi listik dari dalam tubuh tanpa alat dan tanpa strum yang kami salurkan ke dalam tubuh pasien, hal ini berpungsi memperlancar peredaran darah para pasien. Dan menurut para pasien kami meraka merasakan aliran listrik masuk kedalam tubuhnya, sungguh luar biasa kurang lebih 1000 orang pasien yang berhasil sembuh setiap tahun dengan bermacam-macam penyakit.

CHCLcapsul adalah capsul theraphy yang berfungsi memperbaiki organ-organ tubuh yang bermasalah dari dalam. CHCLcapsul, adalah sebuah solusi dalam dunia kesehatan yang telah kami buktikan sejak tahun 1996 sampai dengan sekarang, CHCLcapsul telah kami pelajari dan terapkan kepada pasien berbagai macam penyakit, untuk mempercepat kesembuhan penderita dari penyakitnya, saya menganjurkan CHCLcapsul 2 capsul saat perut kosong (Pagi hari) dan 2 capsul pada malam hari (sebelum tidur). Lanjutkan membaca “Klinik JIO-HERBAL & CHCLcapsulTheraphy” →

Diposkan pada Health Teraphy

A Blog-to-Book Adventure: Mommy Man’s Jerry Mahoney News

Jerry Mahoney and his partner, Drew Tappon, wanted a family. After searching, they ultimately found an egg donor in Susie — Drew’s little sister. With Susie as their donor, Jerry and Drew were able to pursue their dreams of fatherhood — and have a life they never thought they could have.

We chatted with Jerry about his blog, Mommy Man, his new book of the same name, and blogging on our platform.

How did your blog, Mommy Man, come about?

mommy man header

I’d written a Modern Love column for the New York Times about my family. I got a lot of attention for it, and it convinced me to turn the entire experience of how my partner and I became dads into a book. I found an agent and wrote a book proposal, but it didn’t sell. Despite the exposure from the New York Times, I was still relatively…

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Introducing Longreads’ Best of WordPress

Thank you for everything, I send back so others can see it News

Today we’re excited to launch a new series with Longreads, the storytelling community that recently joined the Automattic and Editorial family. And we need your help.

We’re looking for the best long-form stories over 1,500 words, across all of WordPress—a quest that will span 22% of the Internet. It will include work from undiscovered writers, as well as the authors and publishers you already know and love.

Help us find and share the best stories

Authors and publishers: When you post something great that’s over 1,500 words, use the longreads tag on your post so we can consider it. You can also share a link to the story on Twitter: Just reply to @Longreads or include #longreads in your tweet. (If your WordPress site is self-hosted, Twitter is still the best way to reach us.)

Readers: If you find something that you love, share it with us!…

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Diposkan pada Health Teraphy

Savor the Leaf Merang Treating Wounds

Savor the Leaf Merang Treating Wounds

In Bukhari and Saheeh Muslim that Abu Zahim once said that he had heard Sahl bin Sa’d was asked about how the treatment of wounds made by Rasululah SAW.

Wound in the Battle of Uhud It is said that at the battle of Uhud, the Prophet Muhammad had injuries severe enough. Part of his face was injured, a broken cheek bone armor even she is also broken. That said, Fatimah bint Prophet Muhammad himself who washes his blood, while Ali bin Abi Talib was in charge of pouring water over his hands.


When Fatimah saw that the blood of the Prophet Muhammad grew a lot drain, he took the mat tearing and burning leaves. After becoming Abu, Fatimah put ashes on the wound mat is the Prophet Muhammad.

The blood had stopped flowing because of the ash was derived mat made of straw. It turned out that Abu was very efficacious in the wound to stop the blood because it contains a strong element of the dryer, but not hot bite. Because the drug dryer will only bite wounds that drain more blood.

Treating Wounds If the ash is mixed with vinegar and sprayed into the nose bleeding a sick person, then the blood will stop. Leaf straw very useful to heal wounds that are still wet so it dries.

Abu Merang properties. A. Cure wounds, blood stops flowing to the wound. 2. Ulcer drug. 3. Prevent infection in wounds fry.

You know it’s called a straw. Are the leaves of rice straw, rice leaf is stimulated. In this case the straw that is dry brownish yellow.


Diposkan pada Health Teraphy

Rahasia Terpendam


WITH THE HUMAN BODY generate electricity.

Caused the emergence VARIOUS DISEASES

If you have high blood pressure or hypertension, immediately beware.Because the disease can lead to complications of the disease is quite dangerous.Imagine!Starting from this disease may develop kidney problems, heart attacks, even strouke.
Hypertension itself occurred because of narrowed blood vessels in causes by the build upof calcium (blood is too wet) and the stickiness of cholesterol in blood vessel walls.
Coupled with a more viscous blood concentration consequently less blood flow and inhibition of smooth supply of food and oxygen to the body’s tissues and cells.
The above conditions stimulate the heart to move and work harder, resulting in high blood pressure.
In a certain period of bias leading to cardiac arrest.And if the constriction of blood vessels in the brain it will result in strouke.

The things mentioned above can be prevented by doing teraphy massage with a spiritual power generating electrical energy contained in every human body, because this teraphy very effective to burn cholesterol and improving blood circulation, shed their sticky cholesterol in blood vessels, destroying cholesterol stopper frozen roadblood, oxygen chamber members who freely, this function slows down the hardening of the cardiovascular system and maintain the flexibility of blood vessels, so avoid the high blood pressure, heart attacks and kidney failure, also capable of cleaning the blood of cholesterol and toxins (toxin) that blood flow to the lancer.

In addition, natural healing through Makrobiotika this standard is also a natural healer with a system setting the standard diet, without costly but can recover from a variety of mild and severe disease with a tempo that is not too long only about 40 days to 4 months, willfree from the disease you suffered.Condition is very simple: Follow the recommendations and restrictions that we recommend to you would certainly be free from all kinds of diseases that interfere with your life so far.

Hopefully you can be patient to receive all kinds of tests or trials of Allah, the Lord of all the worlds.And we all must not angry even though in this life, God willing fa must be healthy.
Attention: There is no medicine that can cure except by the will of God.
You want to try?Contact Flexi 0341-8168190/Hp.081334315124 E-mail: http://www.menggali.rahasia @ @

Diposkan pada Health Teraphy


1. Scientific Name: Persea Americana Mill.
2. Local name: apokad (Malay)

(Sunda), avocado (Java).
3. Foreign Name: acocado pear (English),

Yiu lie (Chinese).

B. CONTENT AND CHEMICAL pharmacological effect

Avocado plants, especially the leaves, has a bitter and brown dasa. Skin twigs contain several chemicals including oil fly, like methylchavikol, alphapinene, tannin, and flafonoid. Fruit flesh contains saturated fat, protein, sesqueterpenes, vitamins A, B1, and B2
Pharmacological effects of avocado leaves is laxative urine (diuretic) and astrigen. In addition, leaves and twigs have farmkologis effects, such as laxative fart (carminative), cough healer, facilitating menstruation, emollient, and anti-bacterial.


Avocado plant propagation by seeds, cuttings, and grafts.Avocado treated by flushing water, soil moisture is maintained, fertilized with organic fertilizer, and this plant requires sufficient sunlight.

D. PLANT PART USED and properties

Meat fruit, leaves and seeds of avocado can be used to treat several diseases follows.

1. High blood pressure and saki head
Wash 3-5 leaves of fresh avocado thoroughly, pour boiling water with 1 cup hot water. After a cold drink potions at once 1 glass a day.

2. Cavities
Take the avocado seed to taste, clean, then mash until smooth.Enter the result of the collision into the cavities.

3. Urinary stone
Rinse and 7 pieces of fresh avocado leaves, brewed with 0.5 glasses hot water, then drink as well. Perform routine 2 times a day every morning and evening until stone stopper at piss out.

4. Dry facial skin
Crushed avocado meat to taste until smooth, apply evenly to the face, then leave about 3-5 minutes until dry, rinse your face with warm water until clean and then spread with ice cubes. Do it every morning and at night before bed.

5. Diabetes
Baked beans on the fire avocado, cut into small pieces, then boil and boiled until the color changed to brown. Filter results stew and drink at once. Perform routine one klai a day, each 1 glass.

6. Nerve pain and stomach pain
Wash 3-6 leaves of avocado and then pour boiling water or boiled with 1 glass water to boiling. After chilling, drinking water steeping 1 time a day.

7. Sprue
Puree 1 seed avocado flesh, mixed with 2 tablespoons of pure honey, stir until smooth, then eat at once. Repeat until the sores heal.
